Category: English

8 May 2020

Story in Yamagata Zao

This is the story when I went to Zao Yamagata during my winter break in February 2020. The trip is done before the Coronavirus emergency situation declaration in Japan. I went there with my friends that I met in Sendai during my exchange semester at Tohoku University. One of them is Shogo, a guy from Aomori Prefecture. He is my tutor during my first semester […]

7 May 2020

Hello, world!

So basically this is my first post on this website. I want to introduce myself first, you can call me Farhan. I am from Indonesia. My background is International Relations study, I took my degree in International Relations at Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia. Furthermore, I am planning to manage this website with my writing about general stuff that I want to write. I am gonna […]